

We are here to provide high quality learning for all our learners across the school.

As a Dutch International School, ISU offers high quality international education in a Dutch setting. As such, we are accredited and regularly inspected by the International Baccalaureate (IB), the Council of International Schools (CIS) and the Dutch Inspectorate of Education.

IB World School

International School Utrecht is an IB World School, offering a complete and connected International Baccalaureate programme. The International Baccalaureate® is a non-profit educational foundation, motivated by its mission, focused on the student.

CIS Accredited

Accreditation by the Council of International Schools (CIS) is a worldwide recognised quality label for international schools. Whereas the International Baccalaureate focuses on the curriculum, the CIS focuses on the operational side of a school. ISU is an accredited CIS school.

State subsidised

As a Dutch International School, ISU is a state subsidised international school. As such, ISU is held to the same standards as a national school in the Netherlands. The Dutch Inspectorate of Education regularly monitors the quality of education. More information can be found on their website.

Governance & Partnerships

nuovo logo

ISU is governed by two cooperating local school boards: SPO Utrecht (Stichting Openbaar Primair Onderwijs Utrecht) and NUOVO Scholen (Stichting Openbaar Voortgezet Onderwijs Utrecht). SPO Utrecht is the board for 38 non-denominational primary schools in Utrecht and NUOVO is the board for 15 non-denominational secondary schools in and around Utrecht. SPO Utrecht and NUOVO work together closely in carrying out their board responsibilities for the two divisions of ISU.

ISU is a member of the Dutch International Schools (DIS), a group of over thirty schools providing internationally oriented primary and/or secondary education, known in Dutch as Internationaal Geörienteerd Onderwijs. Members of the DIS are all affiliated to a national school. For primary, ISU is proud to be partners with the Daltonschool Rijnsweerd and for secondary, with UniC secondary school.