School holidays 2023-2024
- First Day of Term: Thursday 24 August*
- Autumn Break: Saturday 14 - Sunday 22 October
- Winter Break: Thursday 21 December 12:00 - Sunday 7 January
- Spring Break: Saturday 17 February - Sunday 25 February
- Easter Weekend: Friday 29 March - Monday 1 April
- May Break:Saturday 27 April - Sunday 12 May (including Ascension/Hemelvaart)
- Whitsun/Pinksteren: Monday 20 May
- Summer Holiday: Friday 12 July - Tuesday 27 August
* On Wednesday 23 August from 15:30 all school families are invited to the official opening of the new campus.
Professional development days for staff
- Monday 25 September
- Friday 24 November
- Wednesday 13 December - Only primary
- Monday 8 January
- Thursday 28 March
- Tuesday 21 May
- Wednesday 19 June
Please note that there are no classes on the professional development days for staff.
Exceptional leave
In accordance with the Compulsory Education Act, leave outside of the school holidays is not allowed. Parents must plan holidays and special events during the official school holidays which are always published on the school calendar. Only in very significant circumstances are we able to grant exceptional leave.
An ’exceptional leave form’ will be given to parents at the welcome desk, if the conditions are fulfilled. Please be aware the request should be made at least 4 weeks in advance of the requested dates. For further information, please view the municipality website Leerplicht page. Should parents take their children out of school without permission, the school has the legal obligation to report this to the Leerplicht Ambtenaar (School Attendance officer), who, in most cases takes legal action.